Category: Blog

Pharaoh Cuttlefish mating season

Pharaoh Reef Cuttlefish mating season on Tioman

Have you seen it yet? On the bucket list of every diver should be to visit us during the mating season of the Pharaoh Cuttlefish (Feb-Mar). Watch these amazing cephalopods as the males fight for the females and mate right in front of your mask. Shortly thereafter the female – with the male as a …

Marine Life Curiosities of Tioman

Tiomans Nudibranchs

This blog is dedicated to all these beautiful and weird creatures we find during our dives around Tioman. It will likely be dominated by nudibranchs (yes, we love these colorful fellows) but you’ll be surprised what else you’ll find here over the lifespan of this blog and we hope that you post your find as …

Tip for Divers – Equalizing

Scuba Divers equalizing prior to a dive

Had that issue before that you try to equalize but it just wouldn’t work? Unfortunately not everybody is made like a fish and while some divers only have to press their tongue to their gum to equalize we have others who really struggle to get that pressure equalized. Featured from DAN (Divers Alert Network) Middle-ear equalization …

Women Dive Day 2016

Women Dive Day on Tioman

Join us on the 16th July to celebrate women in diving! Women’s only boat trip to the South Islands for 2 dives, lunch at the beautiful waterfall and bubbly on the journey home (MYR 300.00 per person including equipment rental) “Ladies night” boat dive* (MYR 110.00 per person including equipment rental) Ladies Discover Scuba Diving …

24th October – Family Clean Up Day With The Twiggs

The Twiggs Family take part in the Project AWARE Specialty

Regular customers and friends of B&J Jilly, Kim and the Kids returned once more this weekend – this time with conservation in mind. Jilly is an instructor (trained by B&J) and is passionate about the underwater world. Her passion has filtered through to husband Kim (who is now hot on her heels in terms of …

International Clean Up Weekend 2015

Kudos for all the efforts of our volunteers during International Clean Up Weekend 2015

The 19th and 20th of September was B&J Diving Centre’s annual Project AWARE International Clean Up Event. This year was a huge success and we would like to thank all of our volunteers and staff for their hard work and passion. A special thanks to our sponsor who made this event accessible to all, plus …

Team Labyrinth Assemble!

The mash up between Team Labyrinth, Project AWARE and B&J has been a few months in the pipeline. A series of will it happen, won’t it happen emails were exchanged and for the first time in history a project like this actually worked out without any hiccups! I love it when a plan comes together! …